Both the International Geography Bee and International History Olympiad are organized by International Academic Competitions.
The 2018 International History Olympiad is being held in conjunction with the 2018 International Geography Bee World Championships. Both events are being held in Berlin, Germany in July 2018, and they are designed to allow students who are qualified for both to compete in both.
Like the Olympiad, the IGB World Championships feature an array of buzzer-based competitions, other competitions, non-competitive events, and sightseeing opportunities, all of which have a geography focus. The dates of the 2018 IGB World Championships are July 11-17; the 11th is an arrival day with some light activities planned for early arriving students; official events formally begin on the 12th. While July 15-17 also contain events of the International History Olympiad, the two events are designed such that students competing in the one do not need to miss any competitions in the other, and indeed, the Historical Geography Bee is a crossover event that students from both competitions can compete in.
For more information on the International Geography Bee, including a schedule of events, event descriptions, logistics, registration, costs, and more, please click here for the IGB World Championships website. For information on how to qualify for the International Geography Bee, please select your region from those listed on the IGB website at www.internationalgeographybee.com. Questions may be directed to info@iacompetitions.com